Participant information sheet
You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before deciding to participate it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take the time to read the following information. If there is anything which is not clear or any questions you have, feel free to ask. Take your time reading, and don’t feel rushed.
What is this research about?
The research aims to explore food consumption patterns and how they relate to individual differences.
Who is doing this research?
The research is conducted by Daria Ovcharenko, a student of MSc Organisational and Social Psychology at LSE. If you wish to contact me, please email:
My supervisor is Dr Kate Laffan, to contact her please email:
Who can participate?
Any person over 18 is admissible to participate in the current research. If you are aged under 18, please do not proceed with the study.
*** Please note that you must either have access to HEADPHONES or be in a quiet environment to be able to hear an audio message. Proceed with the study only when this is possible ***
What will participation involve?
You will first be asked to estimate what type of food you consume in a week, followed by a short message. You will consequently be asked to order a meal and fill in a few questionnaires regarding your attitudes towards food and the message shown to you.
How long will participation take?
The experiment will take you around 10 minutes.
What about confidentiality?
All data is anonymous and no personal or identifiable information is required as part of this study. Each participant will be assigned a random participant number, which the data will be stored under. Your name and details will not be linked to your information.
Please remember that your participation is voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time.
If you are willing to participate, are over 18 and will be able to hear an audio message, then please sign the Consent Form on the following page.