Thank you for your interest in our PDW:
"Shaping a New Research Agenda on the Future of Work"
Session #10535: Hybrid Interactive on August 5th, 2022, 5:30-8:00pm Pacific Time, Seattle Convention Center (Skagit 2)
Organizers: Lauren Howe (University of Zurich), Laura Giurge (London School of Economics), and Jochen Menges (University of Zurich)
The PDW will feature:

A panel open to all on "What's Next for the Future of Work" with:
  • Leading academics: Andrew Carton (University of Pennsylvania, Associate Editor at AMJ), Morela Hernandez (University of Michigan, Associate Editor, AMR), Kevin Rockmann (George Mason University, Editor in Chief, AMD), and Gretchen Spreitzer (University of Michigan, Associate Editor, AMA).
  • Forefront practioners: James Elfer (Founder at MoreThanNow, behavioral science consultancy seeking to improve the workplace through experimentation) and Kate Nowak (Product Incubation Team, and The New Future of Work Initiative Leadership Team at Microsoft). 

Themed sessions with facilitated breakout sessions where:
  • You will have the opportunity to exchange and develop your research ideas around promising management research on the future of work

To reserve a spot, submit questions to our panelists, and register for the themed sessions, please complete this survey. 

The registration deadline is July 25th. Places are limited.